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Ditch the Denture Drama With Staten Island’s Finest Dental Implants

Don’t let the denture dilemma keep you down any longer. Contact your favorite Staten Island dentist today to learn how dental implants can transform your smile!

Tooth loss – it happens to the best of us. In fact, the CDC estimates that nearly 1 in 10 Americans have lost at least one tooth by the time they turn 17, and 1 in 4 Americans above the age of 65 have lost all or most of their teeth. It’s unfortunate, but tooth loss is a harsh reality for many people living in Staten Island. 

Poor dental hygiene, tooth decay, trauma, injuries, gum disease, genetics, accidents, and even your age could result in a lost tooth (or teeth). It can happen to anyone, it can happen at any time, and it often comes with little-to-no warning, but don’t worry – you’re not alone, and Healthy Smiles is here to help! 

Losing a tooth doesn’t have to rob you of that picture-perfect smile – not on our watch, at least! Using the latest technology and state-of-the-art techniques, we can give your smile a second chance at life with quality dentures, dental implants, and dental bridges. A winning smile is just a few appointments away! 

Dentures vs. Dental Implants: Which One Is Right for You?

Most of us remember losing teeth growing up. It was always an exciting event because it meant a new, adult, permanent tooth was following in its footsteps. Those were the good ol’ days – when losing a tooth meant a couple of dollars under your pillow. Unfortunately, this only happens once in your life – not twice.

Adult teeth are called permanent teeth for a reason – they don’t grow back. If you lose a tooth as an adult, you’ll need to get it replaced. That’s where dentures and dental implants come in to save the day.

  • Dentures are removable false teeth that can either be partial (replacing some teeth) or complete (replacing all teeth). Denture adhesive can help them stay in place. 
  • Dental Implants are titanic posts that are attached to the jawbone. An abutment fits on top of the implant, and a crown sits on top of the abutment. 

At Healthy Smiles, we understand that every smile is different and each patient is unique. We thoroughly assess each patient’s dental health to determine which solution is right for them. If dentures and/or dental implants aren’t a feasible or suitable option, Dr. Joseph Cipriano might also consider a dental bridge. 

The Denture Dilemma: Are Dentures Falling Short of a Million-Dollar Smile?

When most people think of ‘dentures,’ they picture someone fumbling with their false teeth as they try to take a sip of water – or a sip of wine, for those who remember the famous ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ scene with Robin Williams. It’s the perfect depiction of how most of us view dentures – often in a very negative light. 

Here are some of the common complaints about dentures – some more just than others: 

  • Difficulty chewing or drinking 
  • Difficulty speaking properly or clearly 
  • Dentures slipping out of position while smiling or laughing
  • Dentures require a rigorous commitment to cleaning and maintenance 
  • Many people complain of bad breath when wearing dentures
  • Dentures can result in excessive saliva production
  • Discomfort, soreness, and even pain while wearing dentures

Dentures aren’t going to be anyone’s No. 1 option, but the truth is they’ve improved in so many ways over the past few decades. Modern dentures are far more stable, comfortable, and natural-looking than what we had decades ago. It’s important to keep that in mind when determining if dentures are right for you.

5 Reasons Dental Implants Will Have You Smiling from Ear to Ear

If dentures and bridges are a deal-breaker for you, then don’t panic – you have other options. Dental implants continue to be one of the world's most effective, durable, and trusted tooth replacement options. With a 97% success rate, it’s no wonder why so many people in NYC are turning to dental implants.

They function like natural teeth, they look like natural teeth, they last longer than dentures and bridges, they’re easier to maintain, and they won’t damage the jawbone over time – implants are better in virtually every way, but let’s take a closer look at the five most prominent reasons people prefer dental implants.

1. Dental Implants Function Like Natural Teeth

Dental implant surgery involves embedding biocompatible titanium screws into the jawbone, which acts as a replacement root for your new tooth – which is a crown that’s either cemented or screwed into the implant. Since dental implants are rooted in the jawbone, they function just as well as your natural teeth.

2. Dental Implants Look Like Natural Teeth

Technology has come a long way over the past few decades. Not only does 3D-imaging software help us map out what the perfect tooth would look like, but we’re able to customize the shape and color of each tooth – giving you a replacement tooth that resembles your natural teeth. No one will tell the difference! 

3. Dental Implants Last Longer Than Dentures

One of the biggest downsides to dentures and bridges is their shelf life. Most bridges and dentures only last 5-10 years before needing to be replaced, but that’s not the case with dental implants – which can last a lifetime if maintained properly. You can rest easy knowing your implants are here for the long run!

4. Dental Implants Are Easier to Maintain

Most of us already have a good oral health routine – meaning we brush, floss, and use mouthwash regularly (multiple times per day). If that’s the case, then dental implants won’t require any extra or special care or treatment. They look and function like natural teeth, so why not maintain them like natural teeth?!

5. Dental Implants Won’t Damage the Jawbone

One thing most people don’t realize about the teeth is that they help nourish, stimulate, and strengthen the jawbone. That’s why most people with a missing tooth will also experience a loss of bone in the jaw. Luckily, implants are designed to preserve the jawbone and can even reverse some of the damage.

Healthy Smiles: Reviving Your Smile, One Tooth at a Time!

Are you missing a tooth (or teeth)? Are you worried that dentures will only cause more frustration in your life? Are you unimpressed by some of the other tooth replacement options available today? Are you ready to chew with confidence and smile with satisfaction? We hear you loud and clear, Staten Island!

At Healthy Smiles, your oral health is just as important to us as it is to you. If you’re ready to give your smile the makeover it deserves, then you’ve come to the right place. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with Staten Island’s friendly neighborhood dentist – we can’t wait to correct your smile!